About A.R.T./New York

Founded in 1972, A.R.T./New York assists over 400 member theatres in managing their theatre companies effectively so they may realize their rich artistic visions and serve their diverse audiences well. Over nearly five decades, A.R.T./New York has earned a reputation as a leader in providing progressive services to our members—from shared office and rehearsal spaces to technical assistance programs for emerging theatres—which have made the organization an expert in the needs of the New York City nonprofit theatre community.

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Header and thumbnail image: Unplugged, by Girl Be Heard. Photo by Sonic Highlark.

Video directed by Jeremy Leiner, Produced by 6W Entertainment


A.R.T./New York helps New York City theatres finance their creative goals through grant programs, strategic cash flow loans, and ongoing advocacy efforts to defend arts funding at the state and city level.

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Training & Education

What is a Form 990? What goes into a killer press release? A.R.T./New York helps theatre companies hone their skills by providing educational workshops, one-on-one consultations, and a library of resources.

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A.R.T./New York provides subsidized office and rehearsal spaces in Brooklyn and Manhattan, as well as two affordable, state-of-the-art performance spaces in Hell's Kitchen at the A.R.T./New York Theatres.

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A.R.T/New York helps connect theatre companies to the people they need to make your work happen: colleagues, employees, volunteers, audience, vendors, advisors, and more.

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Support Us

When you support A.R.T./New York, you play a leading role in NewYork City's vibrant nonprofit theatre community! Your contribution directly affects tens of thousands of artists and 400+ theatre companies by providing important industry resources that enable them to thrive.

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A.R.T./New York maintains a vast library of resources to support the growth and development of its member theatres, including, but not limitedto: a theatre toolkit, an intern database, and research and reports. Become a member to access all that we have to offer!

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